
Nous travaillons en collaboration avec : : Les endroits les plus spéciaux pour dormir aux Pays-Bas, en Belgique et au-delà. Officiellement original et complètement différent.

GCU : Le GCU est une association régie par la loi 1901, créé en 1937 par quelques militants de la M.A.A.I.F. (devenue M.A.I.F.), désireux de partager ensemble les joies du camping.

Fondé dès son origine sur les principes d'autogestion, de tolérance et de laïcité, le GCU regroupe toutes les personnes partageant ses valeurs fondatrices humaines, laïques, solidaires et conviviales, acceptant sa conception du camping basée sur le bénévolat et la gestion participative et adhérant sans restriction à ses statuts, son règlement intérieur et ses consignes de fonctionnement.

Le GCU gère actuellement une centaine de terrains répartis sur toute la France et propose des partenariats avec d'autres terrains de camping, sur le territoire et en Europe.
Il est devenu la première association française de camping-caravaning.

Ses principaux atouts, outre ses tarifs intéressants, sont la qualité de l'ambiance et des rapports humains dans ses terrains, dont la diversité et le confort sont à souligner.

We are affiliated to

Green Key: The Green Key (previously known as the Environment Barometer) is the international quality mark for companies in the tourism and recreation sector that are seriously and verifiably concerned with environmental care in the company. The Green Key guarantees the commitment of the entrepreneur to do more for the environment than is required of him by legislation and regulations. The Green Key is a means to communicate the environmentally conscious image of the company to guests, authorities and business relations. Green Key is part of FEE, just like the Blue Flag for clean beaches and marinas. Currently, more than 450 companies in Europe are members of the international Green Key label. 

Camping Key Europe: The most complete camping card in Europe - that's Camping Key Europe! The Camping Key Europe is your replacement identification card at campsites and it also offers you many advantages. 2,200 campsites in 32 European countries offer discounts of up to 20%.

The ADAC Campcard discount is valid for at least 50 days a year during the periods specified by the campsite and pitch operator. The discount is valid from the first night and amounts to at least 15 per cent and up to 50 per cent. The discount generally applies to the overnight price for the pitch for 2 persons and any additional person fees. In addition, children up to the age of 6 and dogs can stay overnight free of charge during the discount period. Additional services may be charged separately.

Citycamps Holland: Citycamps is a cooperation of 15 campsites, which are all situated close to a city. Very different campsites that offer an excellent starting point for discovering the multifaceted offer of the neighbouring city. Culture, museums, history and lively nightlife. All within a stone's throw of the city campsites.

Camping navigator: Campingnavigator has been a leader in the Dutch camping market for more than 30 years. Since the first paper camping guide in 1983, Campingnavigator has become a European online platform with over 7,900 campsites.